In Spirit and Truth Reading Roundup: October 2023 Edition
Welcome to your monthly collection of news and commentary about the twin crises of abuse and institutional betrayal in the Catholic Church.
The biggest news from this month is the continued saga of Marko Rupnik, and all the ways this situation has been mishandled by so many in authority. It’s still a mess, but I’m grateful for a few positive developments in the last few days. Little glimmers of hope are helpful in the midst of the all the negative news I have to share here - including the story from Nevada that hit me really hard this month.
As always, if you only have time to read a few pieces this month, I recommend you start with those in bold below. (Just a reminder: I highlight articles from a variety of sources and perspectives, and inclusion here does not mean that I agree with everything in a given article.)
On Rupnik - Again
First, the news: Fr Marko Rupnik incardinated in Slovenian diocese
Then, the reaction: The Rupnik affair goes from scandalous to contemptible
Finally, an about-face: Pope Francis waives statute of limitations in Rupnik case
And another action: Papal commission reaches out to Fr. Rupnik's known victims
Analysis: Fallout from the Pope’s ‘October Surprise’ on the Rupnik case
More analysis: Survivors, advocates voice skepticism over Pope’s about-face
U.S. News
Alabama: Number of priests left off Archdiocese’s public abuser list in 2018
California: San Francisco Archbishop Accused of ‘Breathtaking Lack of Empathy’ in Bankruptcy Filing
Louisiana: Why did church take so long to admit New Orleans deacon was a child abuser?
Maryland: Archdiocese of Baltimore Files for Bankruptcy Amid Clergy Sex-Abuse Claims + Sexual abuse survivors and advocates: Here’s what we want to say to Maryland’s Catholic parishioners
Massachusetts: Boston Archdiocese opposes bill eliminating time limits for child sex abuse claims
Pennsylvania: Church abuse victim silenced by legal tactics watches it happen again
Tennessee: A Tennessee man was abused as a boy. The priest who did it was never named — until now
International News
Bolivia: Twenty victims of pedophilia denounce the Society of Jesus of Bolivia for covering up rapes
Poland: With a sex scandal in his diocese under police investigation, a Polish bishop resigns
Spain: Church failed to act on priest who ‘drugged and raped’ women, victim claims
Switzerland: Victims of sexual abuse demand action from UN and Vatican
United Kingdom: Pope Francis backs Carlisle mum as her anti-abuse campaign goes global
From Awake
Going Deeper
Recognizing and Preventing Spiritual Abuse in the Catholic Church
“Bad” Bishops Are Rarely Punished. Often, They Aren’t Even Allowed to Resign
Opinion: Religious abuses - Why they happen and what needs to be done
Proposal from Ending Clergy Abuse for Zero Tolerance and Revisions to Canon Law
Work still needed to bring justice to sexual abuse survivors, say advocates (I offered a workshop at this conference, on accompanying survivors.)
If you find these monthly reading roundups helpful, please consider forwarding this post to someone else who might be interested! I know it can be hard to read, but I think it’s also important to stay informed.
I will be back with a post from our Survivors’ Voices panel soon. Thank you for listening.
~ Sara